Caring for Angelfish
In a properly designed aquarium, you primarily pay attention to fish, and aquatic plants and decorative elements serve as a kind of background that emphasizes the beauty of the forms and colors of residents. Among the variety of aquarium fish, scalars stand out with their original body shape. Almost flat from the sides, a generally rhomboid body, with pointed triangular dorsal and anal fins, give the impression that the fish looks like a crescent. The caudal fin has a triangular shape, decorated with sharp and thin rays in the upper and lower parts of the fin, long and thin ventral fins. All of the scalars and their care we will tell in this article. You will learn how to care for scalars and what conditions are favorable for them. On our site you can also see photos of the scalar.
Angelfish (angelfish) belong to the species of cichlids. Through selection selection, a wide variety of colors were obtained, the most common - silver, black, green, marble, two-tone, gold, smoky and others, with transverse dark stripes.
Most often, scalars are kept in common aquariums, however, there are a number of conditions for the maintenance and breeding of these fish:
the optimum volume and height of the aquarium is from 100 l, the height is at least 45 cm, the temperature of the water in the aquarium is 25-27 degrees Celsius; pH 6.5-7.5; decorative elements driftwood, rock, flower pots; large-leaved aquatic plants; strong root system recommendations for equipping an aquarium; filtering, aeration, heating; changing water in the aquarium weekly by 20-30%; proximity to other fish - only non-aggressive species,
- can not be kept in the same aquarium with barbs,
- scalars can enjoy small fish (guppies, neon); special conditions very clean and clear water; settling in the aquarium is preferably a small paired group - four, six or eight fish, which, growing up, independently form pairs of food for scalars - live food - bloodworms, corvetra, daphnia,
- dry granular and flaky feed puberty 10-12 months
Taking care of the scalars is simple, our tips will help you. You can keep a scalar in a common aquarium, but when it comes to breeding, this fact can be a serious obstacle to such a delicate matter. And it’s not even the dangers that await the future offspring, but how much scalar will be reliable parents in such conditions. Pairs of scalars are formed for life. And since success in breeding scalars depends on the availability of a compatible pair, it is advisable to start with the acquisition of a group of these fish. This will require a large aquarium with enough shelter.
Features of the multiplication of scalars:
stimulation of spawning raising the temperature of the water in the aquarium to a temperature of 26-30 degrees Celsius while reducing stiffness a signal for spawning a pair of scalars thoroughly cleans the selected substrate (plant leaf, stone, filter hose, aquarium glass) from fouling and dirt that can spoil the fertility of the scalar 350-1000 eggs care for eggs of angelfish usually both parents are involved what to do if angelfish do not care for offspring leaf with caviar must be transferred to a separate aquarium with similar conditions (pace temperature and water hardness) and add methylene blue for an incubation period of 2-3 days, the larvae turn into fry and swim on the 6-7th day
Scalarians are very fond of laying eggs on vertically arranged driftwood or leaves with a large surface area. Plastic pipes or cones suspended in the water column are also suitable. Such spawning substrates are convenient because it is easy to observe the eggs and, if necessary, transfer it to a separate container.
Bringing a formed pair to spawning is pretty straightforward. This requires good nutrition, a suitable composition of water and the presence of a substrate suitable for spawning in the aquarium. Even an inexperienced cichlid lover will sooner or later notice a couple in the aquarium clapping around laid eggs.
Difficulties in Breeding Angelfish
An irresponsible parent who will simply eat his offspring may come across. In a good pair, the male protects the territory, and the female takes care of the masonry. Sometimes males take responsibility for the care: they fan the eggs with fins, remove the whitened eggs with their mouth, and the females are only present in this process.
Caviar can be eaten by fish even when it remains unfertilized due to the inability of the male to produce milk (too young or old), due to the sterility of the male, or water unsuitable for chemical composition.
In some cases, scalars mimic spawning, while only females participate in the process, laying eggs that are not fertilized by males.
Aggressive neighbors pose a great danger to caviar. Angelfish are not the most warlike of cichlids and can simply yield to the aggressor. In addition, caviar under the cover of night can secretly destroy various catfish. Therefore, it is better to leave dim lighting in the aquarium with an overgrown pair at night, because bright light is harmful to the health of the eggs.
There are frequent cases when scalars, while in a common aquarium, themselves eat caviar or fry, while under stress, constantly protecting offspring. By the way, the noise in the room, sudden movements near the aquarium can cause a similar problem.
Care for offspring of scalars
Larvae usually emerge from eggs two to three days after spawning (depending on temperature). On the seventh day they are already swimming freely.
For their feeding at this time, it is best to use Nauplii Artemia salina, washed from salt. Cyclops nauplii and rotifers can be added to brine shrimp. However, when feeding cyclops with nauplii, one must be careful - these crustaceans grow very quickly at high temperatures and can be dangerous for fry.
Commercial breeders rarely rely on the care of a spawning pair. They simply transfer the substrate with caviar to a separate vessel with pre-prepared water. At the same time, a spray gun is installed next to the masonry so that air bubbles provide good aeration of the eggs, while the air flow must be carefully regulated so that the eggs are not taken down from the substrate. In addition, small amounts of antifungal drugs like methylene blue are added to the water. Water is tinted with it until a light blue hue appears. Methylene blue can be in the vessel even after the appearance of larvae. Some breeders use tripaflavin, but it is more toxic to the larvae.
Be sure to remove the whitened eggs. Aeration and methylene blue usually allow you to save most of the eggs and from them larvae appear without problems. Scalarians caring for their offspring transfer the hatched offspring from place to place so that the remains of decaying eggs do not infect the fry, this fact should be taken into account with self-care.
Fry is grown in a separate vessel, offering them a complete and varied food. You can feed fry (but not larvae!) Of scalar even on artificial powder feeds, for example Sera micron (Sera micron) is a microfine food for fry of all spawning fish, but it is better to use daphnia, coretra and small bloodworms. The tubule is undesirable because it contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria.
We hope this article has been helpful and tips for caring for your scalar come in handy.